A lot of people ignore mental health issues, until it comes to a point when they have no control on how they emote or behave. There are varied kinds of therapies that are used for patients with mental health disorders, and dialectical behavior therapy is one of them. Simply called DBT, it is a kind of cognitive behavior therapy that focuses on acceptance and change. There are many centers that offer DBT Therapy in Minnesota, and in this post, we are discussing more on how dialectical behavior therapy works.
When is dialectical behavior therapy considered?
Initially, dialectical behavior therapy was considered as a treatment for those with borderline personality disorder and suicidal tendencies. Today, DBT is an ideal solution for many mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, panic disorder, and even PTSD. It can be used for patients who have been having a hard time managing their daily life or are prone to self-harm and injury. Only an experienced therapist can decide if dialectical behavior therapy is ideal for a patient, so the first couple of sessions does matter.
The process
During dialectical behavior therapy, patients are asked to accept their experience and current state, and as a result, they are more capable of controlling their emotions. The therapy is more like a four-part system, where the focus is on many relevant aspects. The first part is individual therapy, where a DBT therapist will work with the patient and help them in managing their emotions through encouragement and motivation. Group training sessions are also conducted, so patients can share their emotions, and during these sessions, exercises and assignments are also given. Then there is consultation that helps healthcare providers in offering the best help, and all of these steps is supplemented by phone coaching. Emergencies can occur during the therapy, and a DBT therapist will be accessible to his patient at all times to offer direct assistance on the phone.
In most cases, DBT is recommended for those over the age of 18 and at least three sessions will be conducted every week. You can talk to your DBT therapist to know more how the process may work for your case, because the treatment is always customized. There is also enough evidence that DBT may help those with eating disorders or extreme depression, so if someone you know needs help, don’t hesitate in providing direction. Check online for DBT centers now!
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