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How to Rent a Wheelchair

Before you start searching for “wheelchair rental near me”, it is important that you first put some important factors into consideration. Different rentals come with different terms and conditions and knowing that you can agree to them is essential.

You also want to know what will happen if the unexpected happens, as well as if you rent a wheelchair and just when you pay, it turns out it is not the perfect match for your needs. This article is a guide on how to rent a wheelchair.

Types of Wheelchairs 

The first task for you is to know what options you have. You can find this out by a quick search, or by simply asking your healthcare professional. This is not just for knowledge but for a guide to knowing the type that will suit your needs the best.

It is important to know that there are motorized and non-motorized wheelchairs both of which come with their different benefits, features, and prices. Remember to also check out the disadvantages of each before you decide.

Where to Find the Wheelchair Rental

You may think there is a wheelchair rental near me and it will be easy to find one. But when you get to the actual search is when you realize how hard it actually is. Finding a rental is one thing and finding one that fits your needs and budget is another.

Check out if they have the specific wheelchair you need, how much they charge for it, whether or not they accept insurance cards, and how long they can allow you to rent. You can always ask for a recommendation from your doctor or therapist.

Long-Term and Short-Term Rentals

You may need to rent for a day, weeks, or longer. Agreements between you and the vendor will vary from one to the other but generally;

  • Long-term rentals are obviously going to be more expensive than short-term. However, you may also find that long-term rentals will be cheaper if you stick by daily rental terms.
  • Long-term rentals usually have contracts attached that will require you to sign. One-day rentals don’t always have a contract but you may be required to pay a deposit upfront.
  • You may also find that there is a wider selection of wheelchairs to choose from if you are going for long-term rentals than short-term ones. However, it all depends on if the vendor’s terms match your requirements.

Before you Rent

Once you find the right vendor, it is important to thoroughly inspect the wheelchair. You want to check out for;

  • Any damages. Make sure to inspect the chair thoroughly to ensure you don’t end up incurring a cost that is not yours. In case of any issues, immediately report to the vendor.
  • Comfort and function are other important factors you want to check. If they allow it, take the wheelchair for a test drive. See how you like it. Make sure the battery is also fully charged if it uses one. The last thing you want is to get home only to find out it is not comfortable enough for you.
  • If you want a wheelchair that you can easily dismantle, retract, or is collapsible, make sure to also check for convenience.

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